Tuesday, April 22, 2014


It is with a heavy heart we are informing you that our Most Respected and Beloved Mr.Bihari has passed away today morning (21.4.2014), due to a massive cardiac arrest.
It is very shocking and devastating for all of us and an irrepairable loss for the entire QC Family. Mr. Bihari was a very devoted peson with unflinching spirit and his entire  life was dedicated for the cause of Quality, Excellence and Humanity . We remain in tears and grief.
Dr.Jagdish Gandhi & Dr.Mrs. Vineeta Kamran
City Montessori School Family
Dear All,The  sudden demise of  Mr.P.C.Bihari  has devastated all of us. He was one of the pioneers of SQC Movement ,the embodiment of passion for Quality in human beings. He has left a great legacy behind that shall always beckon us to work further for the cause of education  and creating a better world.
With regards,
Dr.Vineeta Kamran
Dear all
It took me whole morning to compose myself to write this e-mail. We lost a very dear family member of WCTQEE.  He was a family friend to my family. we shared some very common passion together.
In 2001He and his wife greeted me and Anjanie first time at CMS as if he knows me for years. 
"Friends are the pillars on your porch. Sometimes they hold you up, sometimes they lean on you, and sometimes it's just enough to know that they are standing by."
Peace, Prayers and Blessings,
Our prayer for the Bihari family.
Syed Ali
 Dear Dr. Gandhi and Dr. Kamran,
I am in tears. My dearest dost, brother, colleague and quality guru was very young in heart and soul and body. He was a real quality guru, an excellent person, a wonderful husband and father.
May his soul rest in peace. May God give strength to his lovely family. I will never forget his smiling face and positive contributions to the world.
We say;  “Allah rahmet eylesin” in Turkey.  and "Işıklar içinde uyusun (may he sleep in light)"..
This is a sad Monday not for me but for the whole WCTQEE and CMS Family.
Hayal & Servet, Istanbul, Türkiye
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We have indeed lost a dear and respected leader.  P.C. Bihari has left a legacy and a model for productive living.  He generously touched the  lives and fortunes of students and educators.  His vision, intellect, energy and good will  were exemplary.  He will be mourned and missed by the City Montessori School Family and respecters of quality around the world.
I will always remember P.C. Bihari with admiration and love.
Rest in peace dear friend.
Dallas J. Blankenship, Ed.
Kentucky, U.S.A.
 I wanted to share some feelings from various continents. I believe there will be thousands of similar. We will never forget him.


Monday, March 31, 2014


Dearest Dosts,
When I looked at the previous Blog, I have realized that how much I ignored you. Sorry for that. In fact, we cannot understand how much time we waste while writing to different pages such as; Twitter, Face Book, google+, LinkedIn, but social media is something like this. Furthermore, I have to deal with my extra pages within Face Book such as; "Ed 401 Classroom management", "Ed 313 Conflict resolution", "ICT Seagulls Project" and "WCTQEE-Turkey Chapter". However, I  made a good decision and I left the design of my pages to the creative mind and skillful hands of Mr. Cem Karahanoğlu. You will see his work in the design of;  www.bilisimcimartilar.com . Even though some details are missing, everything will be complete soon. Please visit that page.
My dearest dosts, this term I have been giving two courses: Classroom management for the senior students of FLE Department and Conflict Resolution course for the freshman, junior and senior students of all departments in the Faculty of Education. At the end of each term, I conduct a survey to learn the reflections of my students. Last term, we had taken videos at the classroom during the project presentations and then we prepared them as MOOCs for Teacher Training. I noticed that they felt excited and stressed during the presentations and their achievement levels decreased. that is why, this term I am asking for OOPs (Open Online Projects) from them. What does it mean? After the presentations at the classroom, the needed corrections will be made and teams will take their own video films and deliver them as final projects. 22 projects will be presented until 14th May. If you are interested in those projects, please feel free to be our guests especially for the Conflict Resolution course.
Dear colleagues, I have been teaching for 38 years. I have written and edited many books for teacher training. You can see their pictures on this page. I have decided to modify them to prepare e-books for those which were written before 2004. The reason of this is to contribute to the "Qualified Teacher Training".
ICT Seagulls Project is flying together with a sister project named; "Leading seagulls". You can register until the first day of May. The projects will end on 15th June. 13 projects have already registered from Turkey and India.
I wish a happy and fruitful week to all of you.  

Monday, January 6, 2014




The International ICT Seagulls Project completed its 10th year. It was a STUDENTS’ project focusing on continuous improvement through İmece Circles (SQC) methodology and technology use.
Now, it is also the time for empowering teachers to lead the Circles as leading Seagulls!

Do you want to be known at national and international platforms by revealing your real potential?

Do you aim at creating awareness for the present problems of your environment and finding out solutions for the betterment of life?

Do you want to move to the place and honour of a leading and innovative teacher through this project, as one of the pioneers of it?


“©International ICT Seagulls Project” started in 2003 hugging all the students from Kindergartens to Colleges and completed its 10th year successfully with well-conducted 269 projects, not only in Turkey but in USA, UK, India, Nepal and South Africa (See www.bilisimcimartilar.com).  
In the Digital Age, a ten-year time for a project format is enough. Time is changing, needs are changing and we also must change to lead contemporary generations. The only thing remaining steady is the wonderful relationship between a teacher and his/her students. Sometimes we, educators, develop fears. We think that one day technology will take our places and education will be totally a technology-based with one way communication. As experienced teachers, we are aware of the human-to-human communication. Technology cannot replace a teacher’s love and affection which forms the core of teaching-learning process. As the designer of innovative ICT projects for some time, I wanted to emphasize the significant role of “teachers” upon the new generations and I wanted to empower the teachers once more. Teachers are not robots. They have their own initiatives and personal, educational backgrounds. They deserve to be trusted. They deserve to make some important decisions within the educational policy. But, unfortunately they cannot. So, within this project, I want to give the decision of forming his/her project teams choosing from the voluntary bodies. Those bodies might be students, NGO members, PTA members, administrating bodies, colleagues or people from the community, parents even; the business people who will support the educational issues and help make a great (WOW) change. As a result, title of the project has changed like the format and the contents:
                                                  INTERNATIONAL LEADING SEAGULLS (TEACHERS) PROJECT!
The project will start on 15th January 2014 and will end on 2nd June 2014. Then, for 10 days, assessment step will take place. As mentioned above, all the initiative will belong to the leading teacher. In other words, all the target groups, main theme, members, contents will be determined by the teacher and s/he will be responsible for the labor of division along with the project members for all the steps, processes, procedures  including the videotaping, preparing the ppts and Blogs/Web pages. We want to empower teachers from the very beginning to the end. As you know MOOCs (=Massive Open Online Courses) are very popular among the world-wide known universities. In our project, teachers and their teams will prepare their Oops! (=Open Online Projects) and (I hope) will cause billions of WOWs(!) around them as a result of great change they create.
PDCA Mindset and analytical problem solving steps (SQC Methodology) will form the essence of the planning and implementation, and sharing will be realized through technology use. Leading teachers will participate in three categories. The assessment will be conducted in those categories:
1. Teachers/Instructors (working at state or private schools, belonging at every level and all subject areas including colleges)
2. Teacher trainees/Student Teachers (Attending Anatolian Teachers’ High Schools and Faculties of Education)
3. Retired Teachers (Every level and all subject areas).

Even though, we do not want to restrict the project topics, one of the following issues might be selected as the problem area. For a totally different field, you can talk to the General coordinator. Here are the main themes of this year:
1. Educational issues,
2. Environmental problems,
3. System and Leadership-focused problems,
4. Violence, Humiliation, Inequality and Rights,
5. Disabilities,
6. Media and Ethics.

In order to take part in the Project, the “Standards and Ethics Project Protocol” should be signed by the teacher and also the administrator of the organization/school. Ethics and technical conditions are important issues. Volunteerism is another important principle in the project.
This project has not a materialistic award. The most important thing for a teacher is to add his/her creativity, love and Imece (=collaboration) spirit to his/her personal and professional lives. It will be understood easily that having national and international reputation through a real İmece project is the greatest award for the teacher and for his/her students.
The participants might attend the “17. ICSQCC” which will be held in Kingston University, London, UK in June 2014. There, you will present your project and see some other SQC samples.
The Projects will be handed in on 2nd June 2014.
In order to get more information, please contact Dr. Hayal Köksal, General Coordinator.
TEL: +90 212 341 26 01                  CELL: +90 532 373 84 87 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
E- MAILS: hayal@hayalkoksal.com     koksalhayal@gmail.com     hayal@boun.edu.tr


Saturday, November 23, 2013


From DREAM to REALITY: About: "HAYAL KÖKSAL NETWORKING": NEW!!!    Hayal KÖKSAL NETWORKING was founded by Hayal Köksal in Istanbul in September 2013 in order to realize her dream on the ...


NEW!!!   Hayal KÖKSAL NETWORKING was founded by Hayal Köksal in Istanbul in September 2013 in order to realize her dream on the way of building bridges between persons, groups and organizations.
Main focal issues are: Village Institutions philosophy, Great Leaders of the world, Life-long learning, Continuous quality improvement, Nonviolence in all settings, Innovative- leadership & Creativity, Human dignity, Peace and Conflict management, Project management and Ethics.

If you are interested in one or more of the above mentioned issues, please join us!

Our Links are;
World Council for Total Quality & Excellence in Education (WCTQEE)"
was founded by the quality experts and educators from 25 countries  in 1992. Dr. Köksal is the Director General of Turkey within the Council since 2003.
Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HDHS):  Hayal Köksal is one of the members of the Core Team, Global advisory Board and Education Team. The aim is to create awareness among world people about human dignity and thus preventing humiliation.
Turkish & Eurasian Center for Schools of Quality; was co-founded by Hayal Köksal and John Jay Bonstingl (USA) in Istanbul, in 2000. The goals of the Center were listed as; Creating ‘Quality Awareness’ among Turkish educators, school partners and business people; establishing the Total Quality (TQ) Philosophy and Culture at schools through various activities and projects.
Boğaziçi University,Faculty of Education: She has been a part-time instructor since 1997 to train teacher trainees of the Educational Faculty. Her courses are: Classroom Management, Conflict resolution, Nonviolence in Education, Innovative Teaching, Teachers of the Future, Introduction to Education, Public Speech, Quality in ELT.
Kingston University, London_Business and Law School: Dr. Köksal has been a visiting fellow since 2011 on the way of training students about SQC movement and formation for a productive and peaceful world.
Peace X Peace: She is one of the cyber peace mentors of that organization.
Nepal QUEST: Dr. Köksal is a project partner of Nepal QUEST to train teachers and students of Nepalese schools through ICT Seagulls Project.
National Youth Development Trust from Pretoria, South Africa: Dr. Köksal has been collaborating with NYDT since 2001 to make collaborative projects with African students. She is one of the members of the "Project Ethics Committee".
"The Global Women's Peace Network" through "The Women's Federation for World Peace, International and Japan. It started on May 15th 2013 after attending the "17th Annual Women's Conference for Peace in the Middle East" in Paris.
MIT LINC after participating the 2013 LINC Conference in Boston.  
Furthermore, she conducts projects to support the students, teachers, parents, principals and the disabled. These are as follows:
* İmece/Collaboration Circles Project” won an award from the World Bank in 2005 to support the schools. As a result of the award all the state schools were invited to participate in this movement. It is a free training for them and it is one of the best methods to apply the new curriculum which was put into practice this year at Turkish schools.Up to now, almost 3000 projects were conducted.
* International ICT Seagulls Project has just completed its tenth year with 255 projects. It is based on SQC / İmece Circles methodology and technology use (www.bilisimcimartilar.com). The International Award Ceremony will take place at CMS, Lucknow, India on 30th November 2013 with the collaboration of CMS, Nepal-QUEST and WCTQEE.
* Innovative Teachers Program of Microsoft Turkey: She acted as the localizer, trainer and advisor of the Innovative teachers Program within PiL between 2004-2009 and trained 200 innovative coaches within Turkey. Her e-book might be downloaded from the national web page of the Innovative Teachers Program (http://yenilikciogretmenler.meb.gov.tr).
* Curriculum Academy: Dr. Köksal works on the curriculum. After conducting research at pilot schools, the outcomes were shared by the authorities in 2005. Then, a thirty-hour seminar program was prepared by the branch teachers and experts and the achievement rate of the seminar was checked during the summer months. “Curriculum Academy” project was designed, the copyright of it was gotten (13088 number, 17.05.2005 dated). Within this project a collaboration with IAQC has been put into practice.
* “Happiness Workshop” is a collaborative Project aiming at creating synergy and quality among the individuals and also teams. It is recommended to the companies and individuals.
NEW! After visiting MIT in June 2013, she decided to prepare MOOCs (Multi Open Online Courses) with her teacher trainees and by the end of the year there will be 20 videoas related to "Classroom Management" for teachers' use.
**I would like to thank my present student but future colleague Çağdaş Çetinkaya for preparing my logo.
TEL: +90 212 341 26 01 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +90 212 341 26 01 ÜCRETSİZ end_of_the_skype_highlighting FAX: +90 212 341 26 02 CELL: +90 532 373 84 87 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +90 532 373 84 87 ÜCRETSİZ end_of_the_skype_highlighting
e-mails: hayal@hayalkoksal.com koksalhayal@gmail.com hayal@boun.edu.tr

Thursday, October 17, 2013

A New Book on Quality & Leadership

Dear All,
I would like to share a new Book with you: Building Bridges Between Quality and Leadership.
It was written by my dearest dost and brother Prof.Dr. Syed Ali from Johns Hopkins University. The description of the book might be seen below:  
Quality and Leadership are interdependent conditions for organizational success in the 21st Century. Leadership is the brain and quality is the heart of any organization. Leaders need interconnection of the brain and heart to succeed. Quality growth for an organization is organic growth created by original ideas and effective entrepreneurship by the leaders, rather than growth that comes from a wide variety of financial manipulation, including acquisitions.
Who’s this book for? This book is aimed at young aspiring future leaders to include MBA candidates and other graduate-level business majors. It is also targeted at niche groups such as the American Society for Quality and the Chartered Quality Institute of London. This book provides guidance for the visionary professionals who will be in a position to lead their organizations in the ever changing global environment in any field by 2025. This book is directed at the minds and hearts of evolving business professionals.
Why should I read it? By 2025 leaders will face extremely fluid markets. The speed of change in technology, product life cycles, and ever demanding sophisticated consumers who can compare and buy products on the internet will force organizations to change their strategies to compete and survive. The challenge will be to create a global marketplace through innovation, to manage change at an ever faster rate, and to create value for ever-more sophisticated consumers. If you read this book and apply the concepts in it you will unleash your abilities and capabilities, and whether or not your organization has designated you as a leader, this book will provide you with a road map for how you can have a positive impact on your organization.
Why is the future so important? The future is not what will happen; the future is what is happening. The long term is not something that happens someday. It is not a thing to wait for; it is a thing to be achieved living in a very different time. Changes are happening more quickly than our capacity to absorb them. The next generation of leaders will need to think in terms of the future, and not focus on the present, namely the next couple of months. Until the ability to see further into the future is developed, potential leaders will be limited in their migration to higher levels in the organization.
Why is leadership emphasized? Decision making is an important part of leadership. Many leaders fail in the decision making process by not adequately understanding the total environment and system. By 2025, the new kind of leadership will be a step-by-step process, and leaders will have to get the first step right otherwise everything that follows will be wrong. There is no universal model for quality leadership; one size does not fit all. The environment is complex and is changing rapidly, and the roles and styles of leadership must be adapted to the circumstances.
Where did these ideas come from? The ideas expressed in this book come from combing through published research papers, articles and books from leading experts on leadership and quality; add to that my 40 years of experience in industry and research in Europe and USA. In addition I have served as a faculty member in the graduate programs for Engineering for Professionals (EP) at the Whiting School of Engineering and Johns Hopkins University.
How should I read this book? Treat this book as a manual on guiding you in how to achieve and build your future. The chapters on leadership and leadership development are directed at the minds of aspiring executives and professionals, while the chapters on quality techniques are directed at their hearts by explaining that the key to success for the next generation leadership is the undertaking of steps that improve an organization’s ability to improve by investing in employee development. This book is a logical step forward from the current state of thinking about the next generation of leadership. It is a call to all professionals to expand their thinking outside of the box. In the future, solving problems will not be about spending money. It will be about understanding universal quality principles, and managing ideas and talent led by the next generation of leadership.
About the Author
Syed Ali is a writer and educator in leadership and quality systems management. He has served as a Principal Professional Staff (Professor) member at Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory in Maryland USA. Since 1986, he has applied his expertise to many national and international space missions including Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) TOPEX radar altimeter, NEAR, GRACE, FUSE, CONTOUR and Messenger as a Systems Assurance Manager (Retired 2007). He is an advisor for the “World Council for Total Quality and Excellence in Education.”
He received a B.S. degree in Quality Engineering from the Polytechnic of the Southbank, London, and an M.S. in Engineering from Kennedy-Western University, USA.
Mr. Ali is a FCQA (Fellow of the Chartered Quality Institute London), CQP (Chartered Quality Professional), and Fellow of the American Society for Quality (ASQ). He is an ASQ Certified quality auditor. Mr. Ali is the past Section Chair for ASQ (Washington, D.C.) chapter twice and also the past Education Chair.
Mr. Ali is a faculty member at The Johns Hopkins University. He personally developed the “Quality Assurance Engineering” course and has been teaching it since 1992 in the graduate programs for Engineering for Professionals (EP) at the Whiting School of Engineering.
Besides presenting papers in various professional and educational institutions in USA he has also presented papers in China, India, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Mauritius, Turkey, Nepal, Hong Kong, Singapore and Canada. He has published more than 100 significant communications such as journal articles, reports, and professional talks.
The book is now actively available through the website at http://www.maplecreekmedia.com/bookstore-marketplace/non-fiction-books/building-bridges-between-quality-and-leadership/. It is also listed on Amazon.com  The book is also  listed on Barnes&Noble.com.  It will also be included in the Follett Library Resources catalog so that libraries, schools, universities and colleges throughout the U.S. will have the chance to purchase it. This book will also  listed with Books in Print, which is a world-wide database of books, along with associated information, which allows bookstores the ability to find the book and know that it is accessible for distribution and ordering.
I would like to congratulate my friend for his commitment to quality and writing.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Dear Colleagues,
I have started profession as a teacher of English. I worked at secondary schools for ten years and then I moved to universities. I believe in the significance of NGOs' roles to improvement. Therefore I have taken part in the foundation of many of them. The first NGO I have taken part in is the "English Language Education Association (ELEA/İNGED) ( www.inged.org.tr). The year was 1995. Until 2004 I was an active member: I had formed a special interest group (SIG) named; Quality in ELT (Q-ELT) and organized many in-service and pre-service seminars for the teachers of English working in Turkish schools. Even though I am not an active member now, I follow the activities of ELEA/İNGED with a great joy and pride. Today I will follow a recent announcement with you. I hope you can be a part of that wonderful opportunity. If you ask me, I hope I will be there. Sincerely yours,
The 16th International INGED ELT Conference
on 4 - 6 October 2013
Hosted by Dokuz Eylül University, The School of Foreign Languages,
Izmir, Turkey.
 INGED / ELEA-Turkey (English Language Education Association) is an international organisation whose mission is to strengthen the effective teaching and learning of English as a Foreign Language in Turkey while developing international connections. The 16th International Conference aims to provide TEFL professionals with opportunities for professional development through the exchange of ideas and practices in English language teaching and research, thus enable them to integrate their knowledge of current trends in the TEFL field with their ELT practices.
We warmly invite everybody in the field of TEFL / TESOL to be a part of this significant event. We hope that the discussions will assist the progress of TEFL /TESOL around the world.
This year’s theme, “By Word of Mouth: Embracing Inspiring Practices”, has been set in the hope that the participants will share and compare their own teaching practices and collaborate in finding solutions to common problems. This conference aims to focus on innovative theories and practices in the following areas:
·         Teaching Language Components and Skills
·         Classroom Applications
·         Culture and literature in ELT
·         Curriculum, Syllabus and/or Materials Design
·         Implementing the Common European Framework
·         Technology in the Classroom
·         CALL
·         Assessment and Evaluation
·         Teacher Training & Development
·         ELT Management
·         Very Young and Young Learners
·         Drama in ELT
·         English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
·         English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
·         Learner Autonomy
·         Language Learning Strategies
The 16th INGED International ELT Conference will be held on 4 - 6 October 2013 at DESEM, Presidency of Dokuz Eylül University, Alsancak - İzmir, Turkey. For more information please visit: www.inged.org.tr