Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Dear Colleagues,
I have started profession as a teacher of English. I worked at secondary schools for ten years and then I moved to universities. I believe in the significance of NGOs' roles to improvement. Therefore I have taken part in the foundation of many of them. The first NGO I have taken part in is the "English Language Education Association (ELEA/İNGED) ( The year was 1995. Until 2004 I was an active member: I had formed a special interest group (SIG) named; Quality in ELT (Q-ELT) and organized many in-service and pre-service seminars for the teachers of English working in Turkish schools. Even though I am not an active member now, I follow the activities of ELEA/İNGED with a great joy and pride. Today I will follow a recent announcement with you. I hope you can be a part of that wonderful opportunity. If you ask me, I hope I will be there. Sincerely yours,
The 16th International INGED ELT Conference
on 4 - 6 October 2013
Hosted by Dokuz Eylül University, The School of Foreign Languages,
Izmir, Turkey.
 INGED / ELEA-Turkey (English Language Education Association) is an international organisation whose mission is to strengthen the effective teaching and learning of English as a Foreign Language in Turkey while developing international connections. The 16th International Conference aims to provide TEFL professionals with opportunities for professional development through the exchange of ideas and practices in English language teaching and research, thus enable them to integrate their knowledge of current trends in the TEFL field with their ELT practices.
We warmly invite everybody in the field of TEFL / TESOL to be a part of this significant event. We hope that the discussions will assist the progress of TEFL /TESOL around the world.
This year’s theme, “By Word of Mouth: Embracing Inspiring Practices”, has been set in the hope that the participants will share and compare their own teaching practices and collaborate in finding solutions to common problems. This conference aims to focus on innovative theories and practices in the following areas:
·         Teaching Language Components and Skills
·         Classroom Applications
·         Culture and literature in ELT
·         Curriculum, Syllabus and/or Materials Design
·         Implementing the Common European Framework
·         Technology in the Classroom
·         CALL
·         Assessment and Evaluation
·         Teacher Training & Development
·         ELT Management
·         Very Young and Young Learners
·         Drama in ELT
·         English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
·         English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
·         Learner Autonomy
·         Language Learning Strategies
The 16th INGED International ELT Conference will be held on 4 - 6 October 2013 at DESEM, Presidency of Dokuz Eylül University, Alsancak - İzmir, Turkey. For more information please visit: