Thursday, February 28, 2008

Celebrating Women's Day with Village Institute Female Graduates

Dear All,
We, as the İstanbul branch members of the Association for New Generation Village Institutioners, are going to organize a Women's Day on Istanbul Technical University, Macka Campus on 9th March, 2008. During the celebration ceremony honorary certificates will be presented to the female graduates of Village Institutions. Those educational organizations were founded under the guidance of Ataturk by Yücel and Tonguç during the Enlightenment Period. They did not live long but the outcomes were very fruitful.
Please come and join us.
Vice President
Istanbul Branch

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Great Support to the 11th Convention from The Ministry of Tourism & Culture

Dear All,
Yesterday, a very motivating and powerful support came to the "11th International Convention on Students' İmece Circles" from the Turkish Ministry of Tourism and Culture.
In 2002 2 Turkish schools participated in the 2002 EXPO-Young Scientists' Competition in Pretoria, South Africa. It was an online project and through a virtual study our schools had won the Gold Medal with their Assoss and Zeugma Projects. In 2003, the Turkish Minister of Tourism and Culture had awarded the schools and also me with the honorary Medal of the Ministry "Service to Turkish Tourism. This award has got a very important place and value among my other awards and medals. It always reminds me of my responsibility and duty on the way of serving more and more for my country. I also remember the great support and contributions of my Professor, my Dost Ümit Serdaroğlu on the way of this mission. He passed away so early, but we never forget about him. This year a special award will also given to one of the university circles under the title of "Prof.Dr.Ümit Serdaroğlu Special Award".
After that precious Medal, I would like to present my heartful thanks to the Minister Ertuğrul Günay and his Team for giving us the great honour of using the lovely logo of the Ministry and also supporting the event through various ways (Approval number:B16.0.TGM., Date:13.02.2008). Everyone should believe that we will never step back from giving service to our wonderful Country and to the whole humanity. "Peace, Quality & Working Hard" will be our motto.

I believe that the above mentioned support will be the most important one motivating and activating others. This is a collaboration / İMECE Circle and we must show how TURKISH style İMECE is realized in Turkey to our partners and dosts.
I wish you a good and fruitful day, even though it is snowy.
Founder President
KALBEMER (Quality & Peace Education Center)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

11th International Convention on Students' İmece Circles in ISTANBUL

Dear Colleagues,

The "11th International Convention on Students' İmece (QC) Circles" will take place in Istanbul this year. The venue and the registration conditions will be announced from this blog soon. Please keep in touch.

With love and peace.


Monday, February 4, 2008

Re-engineering Time for Us

Dear All,
I have been working hard and with a non-stop energy about "quality" issues for 16 years.
In order to improve the "quality level" and attain the "excellence" of any organization, managing "change" is the only key factor. The slower and static ones cannot escape from being a loser.
My organization, namely K-B Educational Center, is a believer of this philosophy and from time to time we re-engineer the structure of the institution to adapt it to change. The very first day of February was the transformation time and from the title to the logo we have started a renewing process. We will be again a follower of the principles of great leader Ataturk and we will try to represent our country accordingly. We will go on focusing; "Humanity, Quality and Peace". We will also give the necessary importance to our mother tongue, Turkish, as we focus on it as in our 2008 ICT Seagulls Projects. In order to prove this to our members and colleagues, we have also decided to change the name "QOMER" which includes a non-Turkish letter "Q" in it. As you all know it used to stand for; "Quality Organizations through Motivation, Education & Research". Now, we have had a new name: "Quality & Peace Education Center (Kalite ve Barış Eğitimi Merkezi)", shortly KALBE-MER. Our web page address is;
In a short time, you will learn recent changes in our new web page . I would like to learn your comments about our new name and logo.
By the way, we will still go on carrying the name of; "The Turkish Center for Schools of Quality" with a great honour. Our collaboration and friendship never ends. We are still dedicated to the seven main pillars of Prof. John Jay Bonstingl. They are as follows:
Personal leadership, True Partnership, Systems Focus, Process orientation, A Deeper Understanding, Love and appreciate, no matter What!, Personal Dedication to Ongoing Learning and Improvement. The web page of the Turkish Center is the same: together with its English edition.
With love and peace.