Tuesday, April 22, 2014


It is with a heavy heart we are informing you that our Most Respected and Beloved Mr.Bihari has passed away today morning (21.4.2014), due to a massive cardiac arrest.
It is very shocking and devastating for all of us and an irrepairable loss for the entire QC Family. Mr. Bihari was a very devoted peson with unflinching spirit and his entire  life was dedicated for the cause of Quality, Excellence and Humanity . We remain in tears and grief.
Dr.Jagdish Gandhi & Dr.Mrs. Vineeta Kamran
City Montessori School Family
Dear All,The  sudden demise of  Mr.P.C.Bihari  has devastated all of us. He was one of the pioneers of SQC Movement ,the embodiment of passion for Quality in human beings. He has left a great legacy behind that shall always beckon us to work further for the cause of education  and creating a better world.
With regards,
Dr.Vineeta Kamran
Dear all
It took me whole morning to compose myself to write this e-mail. We lost a very dear family member of WCTQEE.  He was a family friend to my family. we shared some very common passion together.
In 2001He and his wife greeted me and Anjanie first time at CMS as if he knows me for years. 
"Friends are the pillars on your porch. Sometimes they hold you up, sometimes they lean on you, and sometimes it's just enough to know that they are standing by."
Peace, Prayers and Blessings,
Our prayer for the Bihari family.
Syed Ali
 Dear Dr. Gandhi and Dr. Kamran,
I am in tears. My dearest dost, brother, colleague and quality guru was very young in heart and soul and body. He was a real quality guru, an excellent person, a wonderful husband and father.
May his soul rest in peace. May God give strength to his lovely family. I will never forget his smiling face and positive contributions to the world.
We say;  “Allah rahmet eylesin” in Turkey.  and "Işıklar içinde uyusun (may he sleep in light)"..
This is a sad Monday not for me but for the whole WCTQEE and CMS Family.
Hayal & Servet, Istanbul, Türkiye
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We have indeed lost a dear and respected leader.  P.C. Bihari has left a legacy and a model for productive living.  He generously touched the  lives and fortunes of students and educators.  His vision, intellect, energy and good will  were exemplary.  He will be mourned and missed by the City Montessori School Family and respecters of quality around the world.
I will always remember P.C. Bihari with admiration and love.
Rest in peace dear friend.
Dallas J. Blankenship, Ed.
Kentucky, U.S.A.
 I wanted to share some feelings from various continents. I believe there will be thousands of similar. We will never forget him.


Monday, March 31, 2014


Dearest Dosts,
When I looked at the previous Blog, I have realized that how much I ignored you. Sorry for that. In fact, we cannot understand how much time we waste while writing to different pages such as; Twitter, Face Book, google+, LinkedIn, but social media is something like this. Furthermore, I have to deal with my extra pages within Face Book such as; "Ed 401 Classroom management", "Ed 313 Conflict resolution", "ICT Seagulls Project" and "WCTQEE-Turkey Chapter". However, I  made a good decision and I left the design of my pages to the creative mind and skillful hands of Mr. Cem Karahanoğlu. You will see his work in the design of;  www.bilisimcimartilar.com . Even though some details are missing, everything will be complete soon. Please visit that page.
My dearest dosts, this term I have been giving two courses: Classroom management for the senior students of FLE Department and Conflict Resolution course for the freshman, junior and senior students of all departments in the Faculty of Education. At the end of each term, I conduct a survey to learn the reflections of my students. Last term, we had taken videos at the classroom during the project presentations and then we prepared them as MOOCs for Teacher Training. I noticed that they felt excited and stressed during the presentations and their achievement levels decreased. that is why, this term I am asking for OOPs (Open Online Projects) from them. What does it mean? After the presentations at the classroom, the needed corrections will be made and teams will take their own video films and deliver them as final projects. 22 projects will be presented until 14th May. If you are interested in those projects, please feel free to be our guests especially for the Conflict Resolution course.
Dear colleagues, I have been teaching for 38 years. I have written and edited many books for teacher training. You can see their pictures on this page. I have decided to modify them to prepare e-books for those which were written before 2004. The reason of this is to contribute to the "Qualified Teacher Training".
ICT Seagulls Project is flying together with a sister project named; "Leading seagulls". You can register until the first day of May. The projects will end on 15th June. 13 projects have already registered from Turkey and India.
I wish a happy and fruitful week to all of you.  

Monday, January 6, 2014




The International ICT Seagulls Project completed its 10th year. It was a STUDENTS’ project focusing on continuous improvement through İmece Circles (SQC) methodology and technology use.
Now, it is also the time for empowering teachers to lead the Circles as leading Seagulls!

Do you want to be known at national and international platforms by revealing your real potential?

Do you aim at creating awareness for the present problems of your environment and finding out solutions for the betterment of life?

Do you want to move to the place and honour of a leading and innovative teacher through this project, as one of the pioneers of it?


“©International ICT Seagulls Project” started in 2003 hugging all the students from Kindergartens to Colleges and completed its 10th year successfully with well-conducted 269 projects, not only in Turkey but in USA, UK, India, Nepal and South Africa (See www.bilisimcimartilar.com).  
In the Digital Age, a ten-year time for a project format is enough. Time is changing, needs are changing and we also must change to lead contemporary generations. The only thing remaining steady is the wonderful relationship between a teacher and his/her students. Sometimes we, educators, develop fears. We think that one day technology will take our places and education will be totally a technology-based with one way communication. As experienced teachers, we are aware of the human-to-human communication. Technology cannot replace a teacher’s love and affection which forms the core of teaching-learning process. As the designer of innovative ICT projects for some time, I wanted to emphasize the significant role of “teachers” upon the new generations and I wanted to empower the teachers once more. Teachers are not robots. They have their own initiatives and personal, educational backgrounds. They deserve to be trusted. They deserve to make some important decisions within the educational policy. But, unfortunately they cannot. So, within this project, I want to give the decision of forming his/her project teams choosing from the voluntary bodies. Those bodies might be students, NGO members, PTA members, administrating bodies, colleagues or people from the community, parents even; the business people who will support the educational issues and help make a great (WOW) change. As a result, title of the project has changed like the format and the contents:
                                                  INTERNATIONAL LEADING SEAGULLS (TEACHERS) PROJECT!
The project will start on 15th January 2014 and will end on 2nd June 2014. Then, for 10 days, assessment step will take place. As mentioned above, all the initiative will belong to the leading teacher. In other words, all the target groups, main theme, members, contents will be determined by the teacher and s/he will be responsible for the labor of division along with the project members for all the steps, processes, procedures  including the videotaping, preparing the ppts and Blogs/Web pages. We want to empower teachers from the very beginning to the end. As you know MOOCs (=Massive Open Online Courses) are very popular among the world-wide known universities. In our project, teachers and their teams will prepare their Oops! (=Open Online Projects) and (I hope) will cause billions of WOWs(!) around them as a result of great change they create.
PDCA Mindset and analytical problem solving steps (SQC Methodology) will form the essence of the planning and implementation, and sharing will be realized through technology use. Leading teachers will participate in three categories. The assessment will be conducted in those categories:
1. Teachers/Instructors (working at state or private schools, belonging at every level and all subject areas including colleges)
2. Teacher trainees/Student Teachers (Attending Anatolian Teachers’ High Schools and Faculties of Education)
3. Retired Teachers (Every level and all subject areas).

Even though, we do not want to restrict the project topics, one of the following issues might be selected as the problem area. For a totally different field, you can talk to the General coordinator. Here are the main themes of this year:
1. Educational issues,
2. Environmental problems,
3. System and Leadership-focused problems,
4. Violence, Humiliation, Inequality and Rights,
5. Disabilities,
6. Media and Ethics.

In order to take part in the Project, the “Standards and Ethics Project Protocol” should be signed by the teacher and also the administrator of the organization/school. Ethics and technical conditions are important issues. Volunteerism is another important principle in the project.
This project has not a materialistic award. The most important thing for a teacher is to add his/her creativity, love and Imece (=collaboration) spirit to his/her personal and professional lives. It will be understood easily that having national and international reputation through a real İmece project is the greatest award for the teacher and for his/her students.
The participants might attend the “17. ICSQCC” which will be held in Kingston University, London, UK in June 2014. There, you will present your project and see some other SQC samples.
The Projects will be handed in on 2nd June 2014.
In order to get more information, please contact Dr. Hayal Köksal, General Coordinator.
TEL: +90 212 341 26 01                  CELL: +90 532 373 84 87 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
E- MAILS: hayal@hayalkoksal.com     koksalhayal@gmail.com     hayal@boun.edu.tr